Chiropractic Care For Whiplash

Why Seek Chiropractic Care for Whiplash Injury?

The injury to the neck muscles from the rapid forward and backward motion is called whiplash. The cause of this neck trauma usually happens because of a car accident. Moreover, it can cause short term acute pain and restricted movement of your neck.

How does a chiropractor diagnose & treat a whiplash injury?

An experienced whiplash chiropractor will thoroughly evaluate your spine, even if you go to him complaining about the neck pain. This is because the other parts of your regions may also get affected. He will also identify many other areas of the restricted joint movement muscle spasm and intervertebral disc injury.

The chiropractor will also feel for any tightness or tenderness of the specific regions of your body too. In addition to evaluating your spine, he will also order an X-Ray or an MRI of your spine to evaluate including any degenerative changes if any that could have existed prior to the accident. This is important so that he will be able to devise a suitable treatment plan/program for you.

Chiropractic Whiplash Treatments

A car accident physical therapy treatment plan depends upon how severe your whiplash injury is. Moreover, the commonly used technique is the manipulation of the spine.

Here are some of the spinal manipulation techniques which are most commonly used-

  • SSM (Specific spinal manipulation)
    The chiropractor can identify the areas which are restricted or show abnormal motion. By utilizing this technique, he will also use manual therapy to help treat and restore the range of motion. The thrusting stretches help stimulate the nervous system.
  • Trigger Point Therapy
    The chiropractor will fully identify the painful regions of the muscle by putting direct pressure on those points to decrease the tension in the muscles.
  • IAM (Instrument-Assisted Manipulation)
    It is a non-thrusting technique which chiropractors use by a special handheld instrument. He will use gentle force without much pressure on the spine and this manipulation is very useful. The stretching of the soft tissues also stimulates the nervous system to restore the normal motion of the spine.

A skilled and expert chiropractor evaluates the whole person not just the pain problem. If you were involved in a car accident that causes whiplash, then to avoid medical bills, you need doctors on liens basis.

You could get one by getting in touch with Doctors Accept Liens. They provide doctors on a lien basis to the patients and ensure top quality physicians that prepare their cases for the possibility of litigation.

Read Also: Why is Physical Therapy Important for You?